more than just physical. the confidence in these photos is mind-blowing. I could not be more proud to be apart of changing lives.

Client Transformations

Dante | 26 | 200-170 lb

About 5 months in-between. All in a calorie surplus. Dante came looking to just gain muscle and lose fat. That's exactly what we did. Initial 9 lb drop within the first two weeks, and it never stopped. Calories were increased week upon week, doing enjoyable cardio (daily outside steps), and indulging in foods HE ENJOYED, using macro counting. We are now doing a long, clean bulk in preparation for a natural bodybuilding show early next year. @dcabfit


Kai | 19 | 177-202-187 lb

Been with Kai for 1.5 yr now. Ran him through a lean bulk phase to recomposition him, then a serious bulk phase where we pushed the limits up to 202 lb, as he had hopes of competing. He is now 7 weeks out of his first natural bodybuilding show. dropping 15 lb in 8 weeks so far. @k4noa
