About Fonzian

Ian Fonville, or Fonzian! Born and raised in Southern California. I am 22 years old and now live in Austin, TX ! Through many trials & errors in an effort to optimize my training; it's time to now pass on all of my knowledge to you!  I am a Military Veteran, and in addition to being an OCB Pro Natural Bodybuilder, Avid Marathon Runner, I am a Certified Personal Trainer through ISSA since February 2021. I have competed in two bodybuilding shows, in the Classic Physique Division, winning 1st in Novice and 1st overall in my second show. I recently ran the Honolulu Marathon at a Sub 4 (3:57) and now training for the Austin Marathon. My main goal is to change lives, not just physically, but mentally. Everyone has a different journey, but we all have the same goal. To discover our true potential.

Envision & Execute.

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My Full Transformation